A hash table is a data structure that stores data in the form of key-value pairs. This means that inside a hash table each key is mapped to a value. For example, names of your friends can be used as unique identifiers (keys) of their numbers (values) inside a phone book (hash table).
A hash table is an array of slots/buckets. “A hash table stores its data using a computed index, the result of which is always an integer. The computation of this index is called a hash function and it uses the value you want to store to derive the key”
Base Operations
set(key, value)
add an element to a hash table based on key and value.
get a value by its key.
delete value by its key.
When to use
Hash tables are one of the most common data structures just because they are fast. However, everything depends on the hashing algorithm, it can make a hash table slow.
And because you are in an interview 🙂
Time Complexity
Average Complexity
Worst Complexity
import { LinkedList } from '../LinkedList/LinkedList';
export class HashTable<T> {
// Allowed buckets number. The bigger the bucket number the fewer collisions we will get.
private static readonly defaultBucketsNumber = 30;
// hash table that will store buckets with linked list.
private readonly buckets: LinkedList<{ key: string; value: T }>[];
constructor(bucketsNumber = HashTable.defaultBucketsNumber) {
// Create hash table of certain size and fill each bucket with empty linked list.
this.buckets = Array(bucketsNumber)
.map(() => new LinkedList());
/** Add or Update the value by its key */
public set(key: string, value: T) {
const bucketLinkedList = this.getBucketLinkedList(key);
const node = bucketLinkedList.find((item) => Object.is(item.key, key));
if (!node) {
bucketLinkedList.append({ key, value }); // Add new node
} else {
node.value.value = value; // Update value of already existing node
/** Get the value by its key */
public get(key: string): T | null {
const bucketLinkedList = this.getBucketLinkedList(key);
const node = bucketLinkedList.find((item) => Object.is(item.key, key));
return node?.value.value || null;
/** Delete the value by its key */
public delete(key: string): T | null {
const bucketLinkedList = this.getBucketLinkedList(key);
const node = bucketLinkedList.find((item) => Object.is(item.key, key));
const deletedNode = bucketLinkedList.delete(node?.value);
return deletedNode?.value.value || null;
/** Returns bucket linked list based on key */
private getBucketLinkedList(key: string): LinkedList<{ key: string; value: T }> {
const keyHash = this.hash(key);
return this.buckets[keyHash];
/** Converts key string to hash number */
private hash(key: string): number {
// Simple hash function that calculates sum of all characters codes inside the key
// You may want to use better hashing function to reduce the number of collisions
const hashCode = Array.from(key).reduce(
(hashAcc, keySymbol) => hashAcc + keySymbol.charCodeAt(0),
// Reduce hash code number to fit inside available buckets number
// Example: 37 % 30 = 3; 79 % 30 = 19
return hashCode % this.buckets.length;