Now we need to get our configuration and we can do the following:
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(;
const config = {
id: searchParams.get('id'), //-> 123
langauge: searchParams.get('locale'), //-> en_US
/* We also don't need to use decoding to get value with symbols 🔽 */
color: searchParams.get('color'), //-> #2364AA
// ✨ `URLSearchParams` interface allows to do more things:
/** Check if search parameter exists */
searchParams.has('id'); // true
/** Remove search parameter and it's value from the list */
/** Append a specific key/value pair */
searchParams.append('title', 'Awesome Title');
/** Get string containing query string suitable to use in a URL */
searchParams.toString(); // language=english&color=&title=Awesome+Title